Monday, October 15, 2007

TPAssist 2007 Feature in Focus: Levelling (complex project plan task interdependancies)

Levelling is the term TPAssist uses to define automatic calculation and assignment of topic task Start Date and Due Date. Levelling provides the means to create complex project plans of interdependent activities, whereby dates will move automatically when related activities and tasks are updated and completed.

Simple Task levelling

Levelling is controlled at a topic level. You can turn it on, off or choose to inherit the levelling settings from parent topics. Once turned on, the "Levelling function" is used to determine how Start and Due dates will be managed.

The levelling functions used by TPAssist are:

  • Finish-to-Start (FS): Topics start after the completion of the previous topic. This is the DEFAULT choice.

  • Start-to-Start (SS): Topics start and end together, alignment is based on the earliest start date in the topic group.

  • Finish-to-Finish (FF): Topics start and end together, alignment is based on latest Due Date of topics in the group.

  • Start-To-Finish (SF): Take the Due Date of the last topic in the group and track back each topic in the group so all topics finish by that Due Date.

Relationships and task interdependancy

Levelling also recognises topic relationship. Relationship can be used to adjust the start and/or end dates of dependant tasks. Relationships dependency follows the arrow (i.e. the starting point is the reference topic and where the arrow finishes is the dependant topic).

Relationship Callout Code Details:

  • FS or BLANK (Finish-to-Start): The dependant topic should not start until after the reference topic completes.

  • SS (Start-to-Start): The dependant topic should start at the same time as reference topic.

  • FF (Finish-to-Finish): The dependant topic should complete before or at the same time as the reference topic

  • SF (Start-To-Finish): The dependant topic should finish before the reference topic starts.
In addition to controlling the function of the relationship, duration can be added to the Callout topic to define the time between dependant topic and reference topic.

The other options with regards to levelling are as follows:

  • Apply to sublevels: Apply levelling to this number of levels. Zero (0) indicates no limit. If the checkbox is unchecked, the property will be inherited from the topics above.

  • Hours in Day: Specify the number of hours in a working day. This value is used to calculate appropriate dates span when Duration is specified.

  • Weekends: Specify how Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are managed when levelling topics. (Auto - Use the weekends if the topic Start Date is either a Saturday or Sunday; Weekdays - Only use weekdays, even if Start Date is either a Saturday or Sunday; Weekends Also - Use weekends (if needed).

  • Continue Date: Instructs levelling to continue the date from one Levelling group to another. When turned off, levelling will start from today's date.
For further information on configuring levelling, see the TPAssist 2007 Help and the User Reference, TPAssist Console, Topic Tab.