TPAssist currently synchronises the following task data: Start Date, Due Date, Priority (1/2 = High, 3 = Normal, 4 = Low), Percentage Complete and Reminder. The Outlook Item Title is constructed using the “Task Title Macro”. The Outlook item categories will be overwritten with central topic and “Customer” property. The Outlook Item notes or “body” is constructed and includes a summary of the task data, plus the mind map topic’s notes. Other Outlook Item properties will be left untouched (i.e. include Total and actual work time).
TPAssist 2007 will synchronise task data between the map topic and the linked Outlook item in the following two cases:
1. From Outlook – after changing the task data in the Task item, click the TPAssist “Launch Integrated Linkage Module” button (this launches the mind map and updates the task data).
2. From MindManager – make all task data changes via the TPAssist Journal Tab. (providing the “Outlook Integration” option is “Auto”, the changes will be synchronised with the corresponding Outlook Item.)
NB: Changing the “Outlook Integration” to NONE will delete the Outlook Item, so this should be avoided if additional data is recorded with-in the Outlook Item. Also, changing the mind map topic to 100% Complete with the TPAssist Journal Tab will “delink” the Outlook Item (the Outlook Item will be made 100% complete also and saved with-in Outlook). Therefore, if the mind map topic is made 100% with the TPAssist Journal and then subsequently modify with the TPAssist Journal to 75% Complete for example, a new Outlook Item is created and linked. This is by design, because we didn’t want to unnecessarily burden the mind map environment with Outlook GUIDs for completed items.