Monday, June 30, 2008

TPAssist Dashboard, Practical Tips for Taking Control of your workplace responsibilities - Free your mind - "Set and Forget"

An important part of working productively is dealing with interruptions, whether they be external, like a phone call or e-mail, or be they of your own creation, like a new great idea.

This short piece looks at how your Dashboard can be used to effectively manage interruptions.

You can also see a video presentation of this material via our video gallery.

When an idea or requests land at your feet, spend a small amount of time assessing the steps or activities required to complete the request.

Put that list into the context to which it belongs. Then turn these steps or activities into mini- projects with automatic dates.

Before you move onto something else, always put a date on the next activity. This date is typically either when you you'll have time to address the request or when you next need to assess the status.

Every item in the Dashboard can be picked up by the Task Summary, so now that you have dates on your actions, you can put them out of your mind and get back to being productive.

So to summarise, our approach to Freeing your mind is follows:

  • List actions and creating mini-plans

  • Put a date on the next action or "check- point"And use the Task Summary to drive your productivity