If you are not familiar with GTD or wish to continue using your exiting approach, don't worry because we are also committed to our roots and to providing tools that help you get context, get organised, stay organised and be fulfilled.
In this newsletter we outline the following:
- Who and What is TPAssist?
- TPAssistCapture For Mindjet® MindManager®.
- Getting Things Done (GTD) Template.
- Product Release Update (TPAssist 2007)
As you may have already discovered our resources and software add-ins aim to extend your investment in MindManager® and/or Mindjet® Connect. Here is a snapshot of how and where:
- Instantly capture, store and process your ideas, tasks, notes and next actions.
- Automate and Integrate your task based mind maps
- Automate task dates with finite control.
- Get multi-map task detail roll-up.
- Capture and roll-up financial information.
- Create workplace Dashboards.
- Manage work / life balance.
- Export task and financial information to Microsoft® Excel®.
- Integrate action mapping with Microsoft® Outlook®.
- Work with complex projects and task based maps in Multi-map mode.
- Roll-up & Publish multi-maps to Microsoft Project.
- Enable multi-user workflow and auditing with Mindjet Connect.
We deliver this capabilities with two products: TPAssistCapture and TPAssist 2007.
TPAssistCapture helps you realise the concept of instantly capturing, storing and processing your ideas, tasks, notes and next actions.
Whilst not limited to, TPAssistCapture is a must have for anyone utilising MindManager with the Getting Things Done (GTD) approach developed by David Allen (http://www.davidco.com/).
TPAssistCapture for Mindjet® MindManager® is FREE
Download TPAssistCapture Today!
Getting Things Done (GTD) Dashboard Template.
Download our FREE Ultimate or "run-way" Dashboard for Getting Things Done(tm).
This dashboard map is based on the Getting Things Done (GTD) approach developed by David Allen (http://www.davidco.com/).
Additionally, the "My Life" group of template mind maps included in this download are provided as part of the TPAssist's First Steps FREE online webseminar for Life Management using mind mapping.
Find out more via online resource.
Product Release Update
As outlined previously, in 2008 we released four minor updates, the latest of which, version 1.5, focused on Mindjet Connect interoperability and also working with financial information with-in your maps.
Our first update for this year, version 1.6, will takes us back to our roots. It will focus on bringing you tools that help you be more productive and fulfilled.
This will include, but is not limited to, making TPAssist a must-have for MindManager users following David Allen's Getting Things Done systematic approach to productivity and happiness (REF: http://www.davidco.com/). This update will be "part 3" of the GTD alignment program eluded to above.
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Mindjet and MindManager are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Mindjet, LLC in the United States and/or other countries.GTD and Getting Things Done are registered trademarks of David Allen & Co..