TPAssistCapture for Mindjet® MindManager® has been updated.
This update introduces hot key functionality, includes the new look capture dialog boxes developed for TPAssist 2007 version 1.8 and also includes some minor bug fixes.
The new look capture dialog box, where Category/TAG and Link At are displayed side by side and each list areas is wider allowing for longer Quick Link title. The new capture dialog box also includes configurable ALT keys and buttons to increase the speed at which frequently used Quick Links can be accessed. Next to the Category/Tag and Link at label is a text box for searching the category/tag list. In addition, whilst searching you can use the UP and DOWN arrow keyboard keys to select the PREVIOUS/NEXT item that matches the search string. This new capture dialog box is used in the Capture Tool in Windows System Tray, within MindManager's send topic and send map commands, and within Capture for Microsoft Outlook.
This version now has system wide Hotkey capability (configured via the options for the Capture Tool in the Windows System Tray).
See our product help pages for further details.
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