Saturday, May 30, 2009

GTD Tip: Using your IN-BASKET when on the runway

As you start populating your MindManager dashboard and using TPAssist to facilitate your GTD system, you will inevitably start looking for ways to improve your system.

A really effective way to "manage" your lists is to use your IN-BASKET as a temporary location for the item you are "doing".

For example, if you have a twenty minute window and you choose an activity from your @COMPUTER list, since you are physically at your computer, make use of Capture / Store / Process to help you get underway and also be ready for any interruption. Simply, select the item you are going to work on, click the Hyperlink to bring the Focus map into play so you can track your actions and also gain access to related materials, then return to Dashboard, now click "Send Topic" and send the topic to your IN-BASKET. Then Save All, and return to your active focus map and work away. In this way, if you get interruption or complete the task, you can just click "Process" and get your focus back via the IN-BASKET.