Thursday, September 13, 2007

TPAssist 2007 Key Feature 6: 1 Integrated with Microsoft Excel® for publication of Work Breakdown & other Project Management reports.

TPAssist 2007 facilitates effective publishing of your project plans through a series of pre- formatted Microsoft Excel® spreadsheets. [See the Demo]

Communicate work breakdown: Accessed through the Publish tab of the TPAssist Console, the publish to Excel capability draws on several built- in templates to display Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), team To- Do lists, a Resource Planner/Schedule and project Gantt Chart.

  • Published Results spread across worksheets: The Excel file produced includes a number of worksheets. These correspond to the options chosen.

  • Overview Worksheet (Work Breakdown Structures (WBS)): The Overview worksheet provides the Work Breakdown Structures (WBS). It draws on map properties and topic details.

    Gantt Worksheet: The Gantt worksheet provides a high- level overview of the dates on which tasks will be performed.

  • Resource Worksheet: The Resource Worksheet provides a high- level overview of resource usage and contention.

Project Notes Worksheet: The Project Notes worksheet summarises "Project Notes" as used with- in topic notes.

ToDo Worksheet: The ToDo worksheets breakdown specific tasks by owner.

Communicate status: A simple variation on the publishing format provides you with the ability to issue status information and publish it to a easily distributable format.

Share your project issues list with non Mind Map users: Another simple variation on the publishing format provides you with the ability to maintain an issue list with-in your map and publish it to a easily distributable format.

Summarise your estimates: TPAssist 2007 adds the ability to capture resource costs and then publish the resulting plans into a "quote" style spreadsheet.