Wednesday, September 12, 2007

TPAssist Key Feature 3: Brainstorming to task tree creation.

MindManager already has some great task management capabilities, TPAssist 2007 extends these and provides easy to use tools like the ability to take Brainstorming ideas and turn them into Task maps ready to track and act-on. [See the Demo]

Turn your ideas in to task plans: To illustrate this feature we take a simple list of ideas as shown in the example. You can see we have three groups of tasks. Each group represents a sub-set of the activities that will have us reaching our goal and off on the holiday.

Quick and easy conversion: Using the Convert to Task Tree tool, we take a group or mind map topics and convert them to task items. The TPAssist Console is a comprehensive path to all TPAssist features. The Topic Tab shown here is used to manage various aspects of individual map topics. To use the conversion tool, all we need to do is turn it on and click ok.

Take Action and Track your success: In moments, your ideas have been transformed in a task map. Now that we have a task map, we can manage the various aspects the activity.

  • Set priorities: Leveraging the tracking capability of TPAssist 2007 we can set some priorities.

  • Manage percent complete: We might want to indicate that a task has progressed.

  • Flag key tasks: We may want to flag some key tasks.

  • Record task status: We may want to record the status of a task for ease of reference when we return to the map.

  • Set Dates: And finally we may want to define Start and Due dates for any given task.