Saturday, May 30, 2009

GTD Tip: Focus Area Review (Monthly) with MindManager and TPAssist

This blog provides tips on conducting your Getting Things Done (GTD) monthly focus area reviews when using MindManager and TPAssist tools.

If you are using separate Focus Area dashboards, i.e. one for your life management and one for your workplace responsibilities, it may be worth scheduling the monthly review for each aspect on separate weeks, to reduce "block" time required to complete your review. The process below applies to each of your focus areas, i.e. your life management and your workplace responsibilities:

  1. Open Focus Area Dashboard.

  2. Drop into Each sub area (map):

    1. Organise "new items" into their approach place

      • "New Items" are those that have been delivered directly to the map via TPAssist Capture tools and may not be correctly organised. Drag these around your map so any "Link At" topics on your Dashboard can still find them.

    2. Run a TPAssist 2007 Task Summary, in "Normal" mode.

    3. Using the Task Summary, process items found in < 1 month.

      • Follow the hyper-linked Task Summary topics.

      • Use TPAssist 2007 "Link At" command to add new projects to project lists (If not sure, just add them anyway, the weekly review will pickup duplicates)

      • Use TPAssist 2007 "Link At" command to add next actions for new projects to the actions list (As per project list, if unsure, add them anyway as use of the lists and then weekly review will pickup duplicates.)

    4. Disgard the remaining Task Summary.

  3. At the conclusion update the Focus Area Dashboard:

    • In the Focus Area Dashboard, with all sub maps open, run a TPAssist 2007 Tree Update in Multi-map mode

  4. Review the Projects List

    • Run a TPAssist 2007 Tree Update in Multi-map mode to bring in latest project status for the focus areas under review (Use "Localised" scope if only reviewing a subsection of the project list).