Saturday, May 30, 2009

GTD Tip: Weekly Review with MindManager and TPAssist

This blog provides tips on conducting your weekly review when using MindManager and TPAssist tools as part of your Getting Things Done (GTD) system.

(Note: This material is mostly as suggested in David Allen's 3rd book, Making It All Work).

STEP 1: Get Clear

  • Loose papers & materials collected

  • Get "In" to zero (See our TIP on "Zero-In")

  • Mind Sweep

STEP 2: Get Current

  • Review Action Lists:

    • For each main area (i.e. "Calendared', 'ASAP', "Agenda", etc, perform a TPAssist 2007 "localised" Tree Summary (Not Multi-map, leave that for the Monthly Reviews).

    • Process the items overdue etc and review the rest.

  • Review Previous Calendar Dates.

  • Review Upcoming Calendar Dates.

  • Review Waiting for Lists.

  • Review Project (and Larger Outcome) Lists

    • Open Project List.

    • Sort the list and remove any duplicates (If sub-divided focus areas, do one area at a time).

    • Read the title of each project and consider it's status in your own mind (Your review of your actions, calendar and waiting for above should be sufficient to "know" where each project stands.)

    • Drop into Projects that you feel may need further consideration.

    • Use TPAssist "Send To" for projects you want "parked" on the Someday / Maybe list.

  • Review Any Relevant Checklists

  • Review Calendar Later Starts

STEP 3: Get Creative

  • Review Someday / Maybe List

    • Sort the list and remove any duplicates (If sub-divided focus areas, do one area at a time.)

    • Read the title of each project and consider it's status in your own mind.

    • Drop into Projects that you feel may need further consideration and then "Link At" if the project is being acted on again.

    • Back in the list, use TPAssist "Send To" and put the project title back on the projects list.

  • Be Creative & Courageous

GTD Tip: Focus Area Review (Monthly) with MindManager and TPAssist

This blog provides tips on conducting your Getting Things Done (GTD) monthly focus area reviews when using MindManager and TPAssist tools.

If you are using separate Focus Area dashboards, i.e. one for your life management and one for your workplace responsibilities, it may be worth scheduling the monthly review for each aspect on separate weeks, to reduce "block" time required to complete your review. The process below applies to each of your focus areas, i.e. your life management and your workplace responsibilities:

  1. Open Focus Area Dashboard.

  2. Drop into Each sub area (map):

    1. Organise "new items" into their approach place

      • "New Items" are those that have been delivered directly to the map via TPAssist Capture tools and may not be correctly organised. Drag these around your map so any "Link At" topics on your Dashboard can still find them.

    2. Run a TPAssist 2007 Task Summary, in "Normal" mode.

    3. Using the Task Summary, process items found in < 1 month.

      • Follow the hyper-linked Task Summary topics.

      • Use TPAssist 2007 "Link At" command to add new projects to project lists (If not sure, just add them anyway, the weekly review will pickup duplicates)

      • Use TPAssist 2007 "Link At" command to add next actions for new projects to the actions list (As per project list, if unsure, add them anyway as use of the lists and then weekly review will pickup duplicates.)

    4. Disgard the remaining Task Summary.

  3. At the conclusion update the Focus Area Dashboard:

    • In the Focus Area Dashboard, with all sub maps open, run a TPAssist 2007 Tree Update in Multi-map mode

  4. Review the Projects List

    • Run a TPAssist 2007 Tree Update in Multi-map mode to bring in latest project status for the focus areas under review (Use "Localised" scope if only reviewing a subsection of the project list).

GTD Tip: Zero-In using MindManager and TPAssist

As you use your system and even conduct your Weekly Review, you will inevitably be "Zeroing IN".

Below is a variation of the "Zero In" process populated with steps that you may find useful as you manage your lists via MindManager and TPAssist tools.

  1. Empty Wallet, Bags, Brief Cases etc into your Physical In-Tray.
  2. Empty Tickler into your Physical In-Tray.
  3. Empty E-Mail IN-BASKET (See for setup details).
  4. Process Physical In-Tray.
  5. Process Audio/Voice Recordings.
  6. Process any electronically captured notes (i.e. using the 2 minute rule and the workflow)
  7. Synchronise PDA (and if using Outlook, use TPAssist 2007's Document Tools to bring back changes).
  8. Review Dashboard "ACTION" lists - "Send Topic" on any items that are complete or need attention to the IN- BASKET.
  9. Process any other form of electronic "IN".
  10. Process the Dashboard "IN-BASKET", using the 2 Minute rule and Workflow to determine where the item should be sent.
  11. Re-Synchronise PDA.

GTD Tip: Using your IN-BASKET when on the runway

As you start populating your MindManager dashboard and using TPAssist to facilitate your GTD system, you will inevitably start looking for ways to improve your system.

A really effective way to "manage" your lists is to use your IN-BASKET as a temporary location for the item you are "doing".

For example, if you have a twenty minute window and you choose an activity from your @COMPUTER list, since you are physically at your computer, make use of Capture / Store / Process to help you get underway and also be ready for any interruption. Simply, select the item you are going to work on, click the Hyperlink to bring the Focus map into play so you can track your actions and also gain access to related materials, then return to Dashboard, now click "Send Topic" and send the topic to your IN-BASKET. Then Save All, and return to your active focus map and work away. In this way, if you get interruption or complete the task, you can just click "Process" and get your focus back via the IN-BASKET.

GTD style e-mail processing using TPAssistCapture for Microsoft Outlook

This tip outlines how TPAssist 2007 can help turn Outlook 2007 into a Getting Things Done (GTD) collection point, and do all your clarifying, organising and doing, in MindManager.

To configure your system ready for this approach, you need to complete the following steps:

1. Download and install TPAssistCapture for Microsoft® Outlook® (

2. Configure a Search Folder as your IN-BASKET.

The Search Folder should be configured to look for items where "Categories doesn't contain @DONE" and it should also be added to your favourites. For details on this process, look for "Convert your e-mails into next actions" in the Getting Started Guide in Help after you have installed TPAssistCapture for Microsoft® Outlook®).

3. Select all your old emails and categorise them as "@DONE" (leaving those that you still need to process).

4. Now for e-mails that you don't action immediately or delete, select them in the list view or open each, the use the TPAssist Capture icon to expose the Category Selection dialogue. Now pick your category (typically your "IN-BASKET") and click send.

5. After your e-mail IN-BASKET is empty, switch over to your Dashboard mind map, and process your captures.

6. From here you can work with each e-mail via the "attachment" capability of the MindManager topic.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

NEWSLETTER: Announcing GTD Tools for MindManager

We now have a must have toolkit for those using or wishing to make use of the power of MindManager with the Getting Things Done® (GTD®) approach developed by David Allen.

If you are unfamiliar with GTD or wish to continue using your exiting approach, don't worry because we are also committed to our roots and to providing tools that help you get context, get organised, stay organised and be fulfilled.

In this newsletter we outline the following:

  • Who and What is TPAssist?
  • The latest update to TPAssist 2007, version 1.6
  • The recently released Capture tool for Microsoft® Outlook®
  • Our Tools for Getting Things Done (GTD).
  • Product Roadmap

Who and What is TPAssist?

As you may have already discovered our resources and software add-ins aim to extend your investment in MindManager® and/or Mindjet® Connect. Here is a snapshot of how and where:

  • Instantly capture, store and process your e-mails, ideas, tasks, notes and next actions.
  • Automate and Integrate your task based mind maps
    • Automate task dates with finite control.
    • Get multi-map task detail roll-up.
    • Capture and roll-up financial information.
    • Create workplace Dashboards.
    • Manage work / life balance.
  • Export task and financial information to Microsoft® Excel®.
  • Integrate action mapping with Microsoft® Outlook®.
  • Work with complex projects and task based maps in Multi-map mode.
  • Roll-up & Publish multi-maps to Microsoft Project.
  • Enable multi-user workflow and auditing with Mindjet Connect.

We deliver this capabilities with two products: TPAssistCapture and TPAssist 2007.

TPAssist 2007, version 1.6

The majority of the capabilities mentioned above are achieved through the use of TPAssist 2007 For Mindjet® MindManager®, if you haven't already, Get the free 30-day trial today!

TPAssist 2007 is must have for everyone harnessing the power of Mindjet MindManager to understand and manage the complexities of work and life.

"Visualize, Act, Journal and Automate in the Context of Your Goals."

Our recently released update, version 1.6, encapsulates the "Capture/Store/Process" concept introduced by TPAssistCapture; we have improved the Ribbon in MindManager 7 and 8; we moved our Help manual to the Web and enhanced it greatly with Search and a new Getting Started Guide; we have added a number of GTD specific tools; and we have streamlined the installation process. Learn more...

TPAssistCapture, version 1.2

TPAssistCapture helps you realise the concept of instantly capturing, storing and processing your ideas, tasks, notes and next actions. And as of version 1.2, with our Capture tool for Outlook, you can instantly convert your e-mails into next actions, using Mindjet® MindManager®.

Whilst not limited to, TPAssistCapture is a must have for anyone utilising MindManager with the Getting Things Done (GTD) approach developed by David Allen (

TPAssistCapture for Mindjet® MindManager® and TPAssistCapture for Microsoft® Outlook® are FREE.

Download TPAssistCapture for Mindjet® MindManager® and TPAssistCapture for Microsoft® Outlook® today!

Tools for Getting Things Done

We have a three part approach to assisting with using MindManager as your GTD next action manager and general list manager:

  • Part 1 is our GTD Template.
  • Part 2 is TPAssistCapture, which is a tool for sending content to your maps. It helps you keep focused on the task at hand, by giving you the means to instantly capture, store and process your e-mails, ideas, tasks, notes and actions.
  • Part 3 is the "Capture / Process / Store" capabilities delivered as part of TPAssist 2007.

We also have included a comprehensive and must have "Getting Started" guide with TPAssist 2007, it includes setup and routines for "Zeroing In", the Weekly Review and more. All you need to do is download the FREE 30 day trial and open the Help.

Customer Testimonials:

"I just started using both TPAssist & TPAssistCapture this week and I'm blown away. Customer support has been responsive and very helpful. The nature of your products is causing me to dump much more into my mind maps, so I'm getting much better return on my investment in Mindjet MindManager and creating a trusted system for getting things done. It's radically changed the way I work, in one week." Arthur Vanderbilt

Product Roadmap

Our next update for TPAssist 2007, version 1.7, will include further enhancements to facilitate GTD. We also have plans for an update to TPAssistCapture, version 1.3, where we will focus on improving how the Outlook Capture tool can further speed up the way you process and manage e-mail.

The exact details aren't locked down yet, so if you have something you need from our tools, please contact us at

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

TPAssist 2007 version 1.6 - What's New

TPAssist 2007 for Mindjet® MindManager®, version 1.6 - What's New?

The "Capture/Store/Process" capabilities have been incorporated, effectively replacing the need for the MindManager add- in component of TPAssistCapture.

Optimisation of the MindManager 7 & 8 Ribbon: Help, Options and Save All have been moved to a new group, "Tools", making the "Topic" group first (NOTE: The Licensing and Check For Update commands are now part of "Options" on the Tools Tab)

Help has been moved to the Cloud (reducing install foot-print and also providing access to richer resources).

"GTD Alignment" phase 1:

  • Added "Link At" capability to Capture/Store/Process;
  • Improved functionality of Send Topic;
  • Introduced the concept of "Sent Topic and Link At" in the same single operation;
  • Better/Automated integration with Outlook (when sending topics and creating) (Outlook Integration can be "turned off" at topic level);
  • Introduced concept of "Auto-Journal" to Capture/Store/Process

Streamlined installation process: The Outlook Integrated Linkage Module (ILM) component is now a separate install, reducing the need to check for Office configuration during the core add-in install and overhead for those not using ILM.

For other Fixes and minor enhancements, see our product history.

Feature Summary - TPAssist 2007 Capture, Store, Process

TPAssist includes the ability to move content around your various linked project and dashboard maps quickly and easily. This capability is defined under the heading of "Capture / Store / Process" and has the following components:

  • Capture Tools (System Tray Icon, Outlook Capture, Send Topic, Link At and Send Map)
  • Basket Processor (MindManager add-in)
  • Auto-Journal
  • Quick Links map
  • Temporary Storage of TEXT capture files

These components work together as a team to help you instantly capture, store and process your ideas, tasks, notes and next actions.

Capture Tools (System Tray Icon, Outlook Capture, Send Topic, Link At and Send Map)

TPAssist supports a number of methods for capturing:

  1. Firstly ideas, tasks, notes and next actions can be captured via the System Tray Capture (STC) tool (This tool is external to MindManager and installed separately, see TPAssistCapture for Mindjet® MindManager®).
  2. Secondly, Microsoft Outlook emails and other items can be delivered to your map for processing via the Outlook Capture tool (This tool is external to MindManager and installed separately, see TPAssistCapture for Microsoft® Outlook®)
  3. Thirdly, you can send topic trees to the capture basket via the Send Topic command (with-in MindManager).
  4. Also, you can use the capability to automate the process of creating linked topics on dashboards and summary maps via the Link At command (with-in MindManager).
  5. And finally, the entire mind maps can be sent to the capture basket via the Send Map command (with-in MindManager).

Basket Processor (MindManager add-in)

Basket Processing is performed within MindManager. To process outstanding items, simply open MindManager, then click the TPAssist Process command. TPAssist will now open each captured item, find the associated Quick Link, follow the hyperlink and insert the captured item as a new subtopic at the resulting location.


Auto-Journal is a facility provided by TPAssist to help you journal your captured items. The concept being that when you "capture" something you want the fact that it was captured "journalled" when it "lands". This is useful if you capture an action and want it automatically included in a task map with a starting date of when the action was captured. An "Auto-Journal" is effectively a MindManager Callout topic appropriately formatted. When TPAssist comes across this formatted Callout, it will use the TPAssist Options to determine if it is processed just as if you had use the "Journal" tab to enter the topic details.

Quick Links map

The Quick Links map is a MindManager map (compatible with version 6, 7 and 8). Unless otherwise instructed TPAssist, will create and maintain this map in your "My Documents" folder. The map will be saved as "MyTPAssistCaptureQuickLinks.mmap"

Quick Links are "instructions" that specify two things: Firstly, the Quick Link name or topic title is the Category or Tag that is used to organize your notes during the capture process. Secondly, associated with each Quick Links is a Hyper Link to another mind map and topic. It is these hyper linked topics which will "receive" your notes as new subtopics during Basket Processing.

Temporary Storage of TEXT capture files

TPAssist's Capture / Store / Process facility uses TEXT files to store captured items. These captures are stored locally in a sub folder of your "My Documents" folder. You can configure where TPAssistCapture stores these files.

TPAssistCapture for Microsoft® Outlook®

Instantly convert your e-mails into next actions, using Mindjet® MindManager®.

This FREE Microsoft® Outlook® add-in helps you keep focused on the task at hand, by giving you the means to instantly convert your e-mails into next actions, using Mindjet® MindManager®.

In addition to capturing ideas using the System Tray Capture tool, you can now install and use our add-in for Microsoft® Outlook®. This tool makes use of the same Quick Links and MindManager basket processing provided by the TPAssistCapture (or TPAssist 2007 version 1.6 or above).

Read more about the capture process: